The Tantric Way Series

3 Cycles | 21 Days
Designed and led by expert facilitator Gaia Ma

J A N U A R Y 1 2 – F E B R U A R Y 1, 2 0 2 5
@InanItah Fire Season, Ometepe Island, Nicaragua

R E G I S T E R   N O W

What Is The Tantric Way Series?

The Tantric Way process is an intimate and powerful journey of body, heart, and soul level work that combines timeless tantric wisdom and modern tools to support personal and spiritual development. The Tantric Way process is designed to awaken your life force energy and clear a path to love, freedom, and service. 

The Tantric Way Series Combines:

• Self-Inquiry • Breathwork • Meditation • Transformative Process Work • Systemic Constellation • Dance & Movement Medicine • Sexual Healing • Massage & Healing Touch • Conscious Communication Skills • Ritual and Magic

The Tantric Way Series Is A Transformational Journey Through 3 Cycles



Community & Collective Consciousness

During The Tantric Way Series, You Will...

Open To Intimacy

The Tantric Way will transform your relationship to life. Step into a container where you feel safe and empowered to strip off conditioned layers and reveal the essence of who you are. Grow in your ability to cultivate intimacy with yourself, your lovers, colleagues, and friends.  

Heal Old Wounds

In The Tantric Way, you will shift self-limiting beliefs and release emotional baggage stored in the body to liberate life force energy.  Tap into this new-found spring of energy to awaken your intuition and inner guidance. Build the self-confidence you need to live your highest potential and open to the magic of manifesting your life.

Activate Presence

Increase self-awareness and realize the vision of tantra to weave together the individual and the universal self. Cultivate a moment-to-moment way of being, grounded in truth, trust, and ready to move forward in a spirit of freedom and aliveness.

The Investment

Early Registration Tuition Only: $2400
*Full price is $2700, effective November 15. Limited early registration spots available

Discounts for InanItah Fire Season Volunteers, please inquire.

Housing & Meals: $32 — $62/ night
Depending on accommodation. Not Included In Tuition.

The Tantric Way Ometepe Nicaragua Transformational Facilitator Gaia Ma

About Your Guide

Gaia embodies aliveness and presence. With her 20+ years of experience of facilitation, she serves the evolution of personal and planetary potential by creating opportunities for inward and outward journeys of healing, learning, and creativity. Gaia’s raw and fiery nature inspires others to break through their conditioning, to find freedom and aliveness.

Gaia is the founder of The Tantric Way Series, a world-renowned personal and spiritual development process. In The Tantric Way Series, Gaia creates a safe and intimate environment in which to shatter programmed patterns of the body and mind and supports people to step into love and freedom.

+ R E A D M O R E

About the Location

InanItah Fire Season, an earth centered spiritual community and living and learning center. You'll be nourished by living immersed in nature, in a field of community support, and enjoy the healing magic of exclusively locally grown foods.

Our space honors the intentions for living with simplicity and in connection with the natural world.

The Tantric Way Series Ometepe Nicaragua InanItah Fire Season Utopian LivingThe Tantric Way Series Ometepe Nicaragua InanItah Fire Season Utopian Living

The Tantric Way Curriculum Content

The Tantric Way: A Journey Through 3 Cycles

Self & Source •. Lover & Beloved • Community & Collective Consciousness

Transform The Past
In Self and Source, you will cultivate an intimate relationship with yourself, bringing awareness and compassion to the roots of your closures, identifications, and self-judgments. You will open yourself to hearing and trusting your intuitive wisdom.

  • Grow in self-love and self-acceptance
  • Accept and honor your physical body
  • Make friends with the voices in your head
  • Become aware of core beliefs that come from your parents and family
  • Develop a relationship with your inner critic
  • Heal wounds you carry from your ancestors
  • Get in touch with your inner wisdom
  • Use the Chakra system to inquire into your emotional body
  • Open your body to receive the free flow of life force energy
  • Open to the big cosmic yes

Connect in The Present
In Lover and Beloved, you will deepen intimacy in relationships of love and sexuality. You will learn to communicate more consciously in mind, body, and spirit, supporting you to use your sexual energy to cultivate ecstatic states together and to deepen your awareness of the divinity in yourselves and the other.

  • Learn to cultivate intimacy in sexual relationships
  • Learn to let go and to receive love and sexual pleasure
  • Be vulnerable and open to trust in relationships
  • Honestly communicate desires, needs, and boundaries
  • Heal wounds of past relationships
  • Recognize ingrained patterns in giving and receiving love
  • Move beyond the fears and sexual conditioning
  • Practice conscious touch and orgasmic mastery
  • Stay relaxed in high states of orgasmic pleasure
  • Learn how to unite the body and breathe with a partner
  • Channel orgasmic energy through the chakras
  • Use sexual energy to cultivate ecstatic states
  • Learn tools for sacred sexuality

Empower The Future
In Community and Collective Consciousness, you will create an intimate relationship with a collective, based on truth and transparency, that supports each individual to actualize their deepest gifts for the benefit of the whole. You will explore how your joys can be shared, and your challenges can be met in the context of group support.

  • Make friends with your personality, and recognize it’s a gift to the community
  • Heal your relationship with peer groups, such as wounds from childhood, school, and work
  • Discover and claim your deepest gifts
  • Express your truth to your peers
  • See yourself through the eyes of others by participating in feedback circles
  • Become more willing to expose yourself to a group, moving beyond fears of judgment and rejection
  • Call on the support of collective wisdom through archetypes and deities
  • Surrender to the flow of life
J O I N   T H E   T A N T R I C   W A Y

The Tantric Way Experience